Our hand-bound notebooks are made with love whilst fully respecting mankind, traditional craftsmanship and the environment.
We believe that an object inherits the soul and energy with which it was created, that each of its components carries its own character trait, history and symbolism that come together to form its own unique individuality.
The laid paper used inside the notebooks has the particular characteristic of reacting very well to humidity, making it suitable for any use (calligraphy, marker pen, gouache, watercolour etc.). It is acid-free and produced with a very low environmental impact by the Fabriano family business, established in Italy since the end of the 13th century.
Our books are mostly covered with washi Japanese paper, hand-made and hand-printed according to ancestral techniques. The base paper is made from kozo fibres originating from plants that self-regenerate every year. As a result, this process has no impact on the Japanese forest.
• Chiyogami papers featuring precise patterns are obtained by a silkscreen printing process where each colour is manually applied.
• Katazome-shi papers that feature rougher patterns are made using a series of stencils, meticulously cut from a sheet of leather.
Our notebooks are produced according to traditional binding processes where each page is hand-made and hand-stitched. Our workshop pays great attention to the quality of workmanship and encourages expertise to be passed on by providing in-house training for its craftsmen.
Each of these processes is the result of a preserved tradition. The spirit in which the work was carried out gives our books a unique character that is instantly recognizable.